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4.典范英语8 1 翻译

5.求教英语高手 中英文摘要翻译



Could?the?bad?old?days?of?economic? decline (下滑) ?be?about?to?returnSince?OPEC?agreed?to? supply(供应) - cuts (减少) ?in?March,? the?price?of? crude(原材料、原油) ?oil?has? jumped(上涨) ?to?almost?$26?a? barrel(桶) ,? up (上升) ?from?less?than?$10?last?December.?This?near- tripling (三倍的) ?of?oil?prices?calls?up?scary?memories?of?the?1973?oil?shock,?when?prices? quadrupled(四倍的) ,?and?1979-1980,?when?they?also?almost? tripled(三倍的) .?Both?previous?shocks?resulted?in?double- digit(数字)?inflation(通货膨胀)? and?global?economic? decline(衰退) .?So?where?are?the? headlines(标题) ?warning?of? gloom?and?doom (沮丧悲观) ?this?time?


减少:decline/ reduce /decrease/ cut down /lessen/depress/decay/minify/rebate /drop/sink/ cut/ abate

上升:rise/go /up/upward/jump/increase/add/augment /fortify/aggrandize/enhence/boost/increase / advance /impove /ascent

月份:一月January二月 February三月 Marcy四月 April五月 May六月 June七月 July八月 August九月 September十月 October十一月 November十二月 December

倍数:Single (1)? Double (2)? Triple (3)? Quadruple(4)? Quintuple or Pentuple (5)? Sextuple or Hextuple (6)? Septuple (7)? Octuple (8)? Nonuple (9)Decuple (10)Hendecuple or Undecuple (11)? Duodecuple (12)? Centuple (100)

deflation:通货紧缩? inflation:通货膨胀

Headlines:新闻标题? underline下划线,强调,突出

The?oil?price?was?given?another ?push?up(上升) ?this?week?when?Iraq?suspended(停止)?oil?exports.? Strengthening(强化、激励) ?economic? growth,?at?the?same?time?as? winter?grips(冬季到来,grips抓紧) ?the?northern ?hemisphere(半球) ,?could ?push(上升) ?the?price?higher?still?in?the?short?term.


Yet?there?are?good?reasons?to? expect (期待、认为、预料) ?the?economic?consequences(后果)?now?to?be ?less ? severe(严重、严峻) ?than?in?the?1970s.?In?most?countries?the?cost(成本)?of? crude?oil (原油) ?now? accounts?for (占) ?a?smaller?share?of?the?price?of? petrol (汽油) ?than?it?did?in?the?1970s.? In?Europe, ?taxes(税收)?account?for (占) up?to?four-fifths?of?the ?retail (零售) ?price,?so? even (甚至、即使) ? quite (表肯定) ?big?changes?in?the?price?of? crude (原油) ? have?a?more ?muted (缓和) ?effect?on? pump?prices (汽油价格) ?than?in?the?past.

expect(期待、认为、预料) except:除…之外




quite:非常,相当,很,确实如此 quiet:安静

effect:效果,影响,印象,所有物,引发,产生 effort:工作;努力,尝试; 成就; 杰作


Rich?economies?are?also?less?dependent?on?oil?than?they?were,?and?so?less?sensitive?to? swings (摇摆、波动) ?in?the?oil?price.? Energy? conservation (节约) ,?a? shift (改变、替代) ?to?other?fuels?and?a?decline? in?the?importance?of?heavy (重要性) ,? energy-intensive?industries (能源密集型重工业) ?have?reduced?oil? consumption (消耗量) .?Software,? consultancy(咨询行业) ?and?mobile?telephones?use?far?less?oil?than? steel(钢) ?or?car? production.?For?each?dollar?of?GDP?(in? constant(不间断的、不变的) ?prices)?rich?economies?now?use?nearly?50%?less?oil?than?in?1973.?The?OECD ?estimates(估计) ?in?its?latest?Economic?Outlook?that,?if?oil?prices?averaged?$22?a ?barrel(桶) ?for?a?full? year,? compared?with?$13?in?1998,?this?would?increase?the?oil?import?bill?in?rich?economies?by?only?0.25-0.5%?of?GDP.?That?is?less?than?one-quarter?of?the?income?loss?in?1974?or?1980.?On?the?other?hand,?oil-importing? emerging?economies?—?to?which?heavy?industry?has? shifted(转向) ?—?have?become?more?energy-intensive,?and?so?could?be?more? seriously? squeezed(挤压) .?

Import:输入;进口? export: 出口,输出


One?more?reason?not?to? lose?sleep?over(担忧) ?the?rise?in?oil?prices?is?that,? unlike(不像) ?the?rises?in?the?1970s,?it?has?not ?occurred(发生) ?against ?the?background?of?(以…为背景) general? commodity-price(物价) ? inflation(通货膨胀) ?and?global? excess?(超过)demand(需求) .?A? sizable(相当多) ?portion?of?the?world?is?only?just? emerging?from(摆脱出来) ?economic?decline.?The?Economist's ?commodity(商品) ?price?index? is?broadly?unchanging?from?a?year?ago.?In?1973? commodity(商品) ?prices? jumped(暴涨) ?by?70%,?and?in?1979?by?almost?30%.

发生:happen/occur/take place/come up/turn up/ arise/ chance/befall/come off/be set/bring to pass

deflation:通货紧缩? inflation:通货膨胀 excess?

超过:exceed/surpass/more than/override/overrun/overtake/outstrip

出现: emerge /appear/arise/grow/turn up

一部分:a portion?of/a part of/partial



In the past ten years, with the energy demand pressure is too large, the grim situation of oil prices climbed year after year, the main subject of the world shipbuilding industry focused on finding new energy and new energy exploration utilization methods and other aspects of energy saving, in. In essence, energy saving is one of the most important energy. Energy saving in foreign countries has been listed as following the coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power fifth kind of energy, but also as a direct and effective energy development.

英语文章2翻译 谢谢各位了

An Analysis of the Impact on the Oil Prices By the Petroleum Trade Between China and the Middle-east Countries.


As a country with a rapidly developing economy, it is needless to say that China has a great demand for energy. This demand must be met in order to maintain the on-going rapid economic growth; particularly, the demand for petroleum which is the blood of industries and its importance is irreplaceable. In short, China’s petroleum issue is a grave problem curbing its economic growth, while the prices of refined oil are closely linked with the petroleum trade. By describing China’s petroleum trade with the Middle-east countries and its impact on the oil prices, as well as how to reduce the dependence on imported oil, this paper interprets from these aspects, the relationship between China-Middle East petroleum trade and the domestic oil prices; and hopes to contribute its share of efforts in the economic growth of China.


Leaders of poor countries appear to be completely unaware of the global connections between the health of their populations and the security and stability required to ensure that they do not fall prey to unforeseen health catastrophes. The dearth of strong and transparent leadership among the world's poorest nations augurs poorly for the health of those nations, and of the world.


Meanwhile, the rich countries also continue to think about pandemics in a very linear and scientific way, which fails to account for the comprehensive economic and political chaos that would accompany a major pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control, and, for that matter, the Gates Foundation and other donors, are concentrating their efforts on vaccines and, in the case of the WHO, antiviral stockpiles for a possible outbreak of avian flu. Plans are also being developed for isolation and quarantine, running through scenarios for stopping air traffic and the like. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that the pathogens will be as responsive to our efforts as we hope they will be, leading to widespread chaos, morbidity and mortality.


At a time when oil shocks have the ability to globally increase food insecurity, it may be worthwhile to consider how a pandemic could push people living on the edge into poverty and starvation. With food production suffering greatly, the urban centers that are dependent on daily imports of food could rapidly fall victim. If this sounds a bit like Jared Diamond's arguments in Collapse, it's intentional. The world is interconnected, but poor countries are hanging by a thread, and it's a thread that could quickly break if a pandemic hits hard enough.

在经验过油价上升造成的全球粮食供应不稳定后,我们真得考虑一下可能伴随重大流行病而来的后果,那会将原本就生活拮据的人们推往赤贫甚至饥饿边缘。当粮食严重减产时,平时每天仰赖粮食进口度日的大都会老百姓很快就会遭难。如果这听起来与 Jared Diamond 在“Collapse" 中描述的情景有些雷同,是刻意如此安排的。全世界都是同船合命的共同体,而那些贫困国家就像是命若悬丝般一息尚存,当强度够大的流行病风卷而至的时候,那根细丝将迅速绷断。

Adding to the threat, it may well be that the worst pandemics on the planet are not emerging, but have simply been with us so long that we've grown accustomed to their presence and therefore have done little to address them. Women across sub-Saharan Africa continue to stand a 1 percent chance of dying in childbirth--is that a pandemic? Five hundred thousand kids die from measles every year. Africans suffer from an astonishing estimated 300 million episodes of malaria annually, with a death toll of one million. And now throughout the developing world silent killers like heart disease and diabetes are taking hold.


In the best of cases, pursuing a business-as-usual approach, the wealthy countries may get lucky: the spread of contagion may be stopped at borders and when it crosses, advanced, expensive treatment may be available. But no matter what, the economic and potential political destabilization that would result would cross these borders and be felt in everyone's bank accounts. The moral implications of continuing to adopt a merely defensive stance will guarantee that developing countries will suffer millions dead and may also cultivate the pathogens for future pandemics that will evade the best weapons the richer countries can throw at them.


Some might see the call for health improvement in poor nations in order to save our own skins as either a Machiavellian ploy to help poor people or a sad and ironic commentary on the state of humankind. Whatever the case, rich nations must begin taking health systems for the poor seriously because: new bugs and the resurgence of old ones are likely to emerge where people are sickest or treatment is inconsistent; when pandemics strike, they'll do the most harm to those without health services; and when sicknesses like a new strain of influenza inevitably come, the health personnel in these settings will be much-better equipped to identify and contain them.


典范英语8 1 翻译




Deadly riots in the streets of Mozambique over sharply higher food prices have left 13 dead. Anger is growing in Egypt and Serbia as well. Panicked Russian shoppers have cleared the shelves of staple grains. And the devastating floods that have left as many as 10 million Pakistanis homeless are also raising concerns about the country's ability to feed itself.


A series of isolated disasters? Not at all. The common thread: extreme weather, which is putting pressure on food supplies around the globe.


What's going on?


For most of the summer, Russia was in the grip of an unprecedented heat wave. Fires darkened the skies of Moscow with thick smoke, and the Russian wheat crop withered and burned. Fully a third of the usual Russian harvest of buckwheat -- one of the country's most commonly used grains -- was lost. That has led to shortages of wheat at home in Russia -- and an export ban on Russian wheat.


The export cutback has in turn driven up food prices in countries like Mozambique and Egypt, which depend on food imports, sparking anger and riots.


Meanwhile, the same weather pattern of high pressure that brought searing heat to Russia diverted moisture in the atmosphere toward Pakistan, causing torrential rains and devastating flooding.


Who is affected?


Mostly, just those people in countries now facing shortages and price spikes. There's no overall shortage of food. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization says that 2010 brought the third-largest harvest of grains on record, leaving global food stocks high.


But the shortfall in Russian wheat did push up grain prices. As a result, the of Mozambique raised the official price of bread by 20%. That touched off the riots, forcing the to backtrack.


In hard-hit Pakistan, prices of food have risen 15%.


[Related: Pakistan floods: How to help]


The Food and Agriculture Organization acknowledges that higher prices are causing hardships. But it adds that the situation now is far less dire than it was in 2007-08, when the soaring price of energy caused an even bigger spike in food prices.

食品和农业组织承认更高的油价引起的困难。但它补充道,现在的状态的人越来越少,比在2007 - 08年度可怕的时候,能源价格飞涨导致更大的表示,食品价格的上涨。

Will the United States be affected?


In the short term, there are few concerns outside countries hit by natural disasters or higher prices. Even Russians aren't facing actual shortages of food, just limited supplies of one of their favorite staples -- buckwheat.


In fact, the problems have been a boon for American farmers. Exports of farm products nearly hit record levels in 2010, thanks to bountiful harvests and higher prices for wheat, corn, cotton and other crops.


求教英语高手 中英文摘要翻译



Mr.Carter 走了进去,穿过了第一道石墙,里面是一大屋子的宝藏。在那屋子后面,是一个大小差不多,但更加精致的墓室。最后他们在那里发现了埃及最有名的法老——图坦卡蒙的墓穴。





I would be grateful if the two of you stopped fighting and tried to fet along with each other


This is the first he has used e-mail to communicate with his pen pal


Because of the Internet it is now entirely possible for people to communicate face to face,even if they are in different parts of the world


The world's fresh water resources are very limited so we must make good use of them


I will gladly take part in any discussion that enriches my knowledge of the world


Believe it or not,we have gradually become able to express ourselves fluently in English


Actually,there are a number of simplc ways to improve your English, such as watching English TV shows and chatting with foreign frieng online


The should come up with a better solution to the problems caused by the high price of petrol


Jack gave me a determined look,which showed me that he would neither change his mind nor give in


Tt took one week to transport clothes and medicine to the disaster-hit area


Sixty percent of the travelers prefer to live in the rooms whose windows face south


Some people managed to escape from the hurning building by breaking down the doors


After doing such a poor job in the last exam,the boy promised his parents he would study mush harder in the future


Ther are several stores in which you can buy the items you want


Unless we clean up our environment,human beings may not survive


This is one of the best films that i have ever seen


She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return,which made us very grateful


He`s been training for a long time,so he deserved to win the race


New prolems will inevitably as our society and economy develop


While driving you should pay attention to the road signs


It is a well known fact that cigarettes contain many chemicals that will affect your health


According to the weather report it will be sunny today


I dreamt of traveling around the world one day in future


To be honest I'm too nervous to give a speech in public


In daddition to being confident she is also attactive and sensitive


I value your friendship above all else


Her face reminded him of dear mother who had passed away many years earlier


The farmers were gathering crops in the field when they heard the drowning girl calling for help


Unless you keep a balanced diet you will put on weight


He was amazed at the great changes thaet had taken place in his hometown


His ability to earn a good living is limited dy his lack of education


After his parent died he was brought up by his elder sister


What shall wo do with the waste paper?


We will have a picnic in the woods weather permitting


I decided to piay it safe rather than take a chance


What prevented him from attending our meeting still remains a mystery


The atmosphere at the party yesterday was very joyful and everyone had a rreat time


He finally cheered up when he realizd he would arrive in time to catch the plane


I often wonder why some parents allow their children to watch violent movies.


With so much noise outside,I couldn"t settle down to study.


Standing at the top of the tower,Icould see the mountains in the distance.


I came across my friend by chance when I was leaving the supernarket.


My teacher's worde inspired me to work harder than ever before.


By following the teacher's advice l was able to qukly improve my English.


Thanks to everyone'shard work,the performance wan a great success.


I would rather struggle for my dream than give it up and regret it later in my life.


After many years of struggle,they were able to build up their business and become rich.


In the past,they were too badly off to afford a holiday.


I was able to overcome the problem with the help of my teacher.


I find it strange that he is able to work so hard with so little sleep.


In general,you cannot avoid making mistakrs when you learn a new language.


I spent my holiday in the countryside last summer. l felt at ease with the village people snd was content with my lift there.


You should book the train tickrt in advance so you can save some money.


The school provides modern teaching facilities for its students.


It is much cheaper and easier to preserve our environment than to try and repair it.


No matter what may happen,I will never give up.


Some students enjoy studying with their friends while others prefer studying alone.


With such a busy wory schedule,it is no wonder that he slways looks so tied.


It seems that global warming could be to blame for the natural disasters.


The project put forward by experts has been accepted by the .


Apart from being fun and good exercise,swimming is also a very useful skill.


I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.


I apologized to my teacher for taking up so much of her time


Born into a worker's family in Beijing she began to play table tennis at the age of five


We should be optimistic and always keep a positive attitude towards life


Only if you experience much hardship can you value happiness


You should cut off the electricity supply to prevent the fire from spreading


As is well know to us all Failure is mother of success and nobody understands this better than Li Ming


Liu xiang who has had to overcome many diffculties in life is loved and respected by everyone in China


Micheal Jackson started to perform on stage at age of 5 shocking the world with his talent of music and dance


Not only is he interested in science but he also has a gift fot music


Located in the north America continent Canada is the second largest country in the world


Tt covers a total area of 7686850 square kilometers with a population of about 30 million


It is faomous for its natuarl resourse and wildlife


It took the three boys a whole week to tour around London the most famous historical and cultural city in the United Kingdom


It was the first time that i had travevled abroad and it really broadened my horizons


What interested me most was the gift shop where all kinds of souvenirs were sold


We finished the day by enjoying traditional French food in a local restaurant


Strong measures must be taken to protect endangered wildlife


She was greatly concerned about wildlife protection and careful attention to the rules in the national park


Adding vinegar to dumplings helps you to digest this food



In 2008, the year on the international oil price has experienced the culmination of the past five years and the lowest. Sinopec performance in this dramatic fluctuations in the climax after another is risky. Which revealed a lot of China's petrochemical enterprises in the face of fluctuations in international oil prices immature at the time of the facts. The impact of oil prices on the national economy has a special transmission mechanism. In general, the first oil shock will have a national impact on the petrochemical industry, and then transfer to other industries. The petrochemical industry is China's basic industries, with infiltration of a wide range of characteristics wide spread. Petrochemical industry, therefore the degree of impact will determine the extent of the impact of the national economy. Sinopec is an integrated upstream and downstream energy and chemical companies in China's national economy has an important strategic position. It is because of China Petrochemical has a special status, research and analysis in the oil price impact on China's economy and other issues, the study of oil price impact on China's Sinopec has become very necessary. In this paper, economics, statistical theory and methods, through the time series analysis, correlation analysis of econometric models as the basis of variable oil prices, the 2006-2008 three-year period, Sinopec's operating results have been compared and analyzed. Sinopec to explore oil on the impact of business performance. Explore how changes in oil prices to China to avoid the negative impact of the petrochemical. Improve the dynamic changes in the face of oil prices.

Key words: oil, Sinopec, results of operations, time-series prediction


[词典] higher fuel prices;?oil?price?increases;?Rising oil prices


